miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017


Team work:

I think that is was a nice team, we work very good, we only had one problem that was, that we didn't know who make the scratch, but for the rest of the thinks we didn't had any type of problem, well, for search the place were we have to record the film yes, but it wasn't a big problem, because the mum of Marc Gili helped us to search a good place. I like my team, and I think that we will win some oscars in tha gala of the 26 of May.


I am very proud of my film it is really nice, for me is the best, we have done a really good job working all together, we didn't get angry, and everybody loves our film, everyone says that we will win the oscars, I think so, but I don't want to say it.

Animation (scratch):

If I have to say the truth, our scratch could be better, there are a lot better pig animations than us, becausse in other groups there are best people making scratch than in our group. Outr animation is good but we think that could be much better.


Our film is very nice, we edited very good (I think), there are a lot of sounds effects like the teacher asked us, the edditing is very nice, there isn't the sound os the wind, and the camera doesn't move, except of one scene that the camera move and there is the sound of the wind because we were in a boat, but it doen't matter.

Ways to improve:

I think that my group, doen'y have a lot of thinks to improve, except in the pig animation that we made with the scratch, bause our group worked very well and withou a lot of big problems like other groups in my class and in the other class.
My group is the best form me, because we have done a nice work with great results.


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