lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017


What is a structure?
 Is a construction made of specific materials, that resist any type of object (car, person, bus...)
Structures have specific shape.

Uses of structures:
We use structures to support things, like people, vehicles... Another use is to join things, like countries or towns. We can see structues everyday around us, a table is a structure, we use it tosupport our books. Everything is astructure, and we use everyone in a different way.

Types os structures:
  •   MASSIVE OR LINTELLED: This type of structure is build with alarge amount of material, it has a lot of compression and has very few spaces.                                                                       Example: Pyramids in Egypt.
  • VAULTED: The most important thing of this type of structures is that is based on arches or vaults, it leds the builders to increase the size of the openings in thebuilds structures.                 Example: Cathedrals, basilicas...
  • LATTICE: Nowadays is used in modern flats or buildings. Parts: foundation, floor, beams and pillars.                                                                                                                                   Example: house, flat...
  • TRIANGULATED: Is formed using bars, allways in triangular shape.                                 Example: Eiffiel tower...
  • SUSPENDED OR CABLE-STAYED: Is generally made by the uses of cables or rods. They are used in bridges or to cover stadiums.                                                                               Example: Brooklin bridge...
  • PNEUMATIC: It contains compressed air inside it, it doesn't weight a lot and you can dismantle it.                                                                                                                               Example: Funfair attractions for children.
  • ROLLED AND PLATE: Is formed by curved sheets of metal, plastic or composite materials. They are used as shells for all type of objects.                                                                         Example: Car...
  • GEODESIC: Contains three-dimensional triangulated bars and combines the properties of vaults and bar structures.                                                                                                       Example: football stadium..

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